Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Surgery #5

Tomorrow we'll be heading up to Children's bright and early! Thankfully, Carter is first case, so his surgery time is 0730. We have to be in One Day Surgery by 0530. Anesthesia called tonight and we went over his history, so we are set! C's stuff is packed, he had his last bottle until after surgery, and he's off to dream-land! I'm still working on packing, and stressing just a little bit - it's my job as a mother :) We'll be staying overnight to make sure he doesn't have any severe swelling issues, and then we should come home Thursday with two new friends - casts! I'll be updating facebook, but may be unable to update the blog as easily until we get home. Pray for peace for Josh and I, and that Carter can make it through the morning without being too hungry. Also, pray that his surgery will remain on schedule... that we don't get bumped due to an emergency. Pray for wisdom for Dr Conklin and his staff, as they've never done this tendon transfer on a child as young as Carter. Pray for C's pain to be minimal, and for us to be patient as we care for him after surgery. Pray for overall success of this surgery, and that it will allow Carter the ability to walk and continue to develop and explore the world around him.

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