Train up a child in the way he should go:
and when he is old, he will not depart from it
Proverbs 22:6
Being healthy is important to our family. Sure, we may eat junk sometimes - but for the most part we take good care of our bodies. Josh and I both want Carter to understand the importance of health, regardless of his medical issues. We want him to learn about his deficiencies and how to overcome them, whether it's with his kidney, his colon, or his mobility. While he may be limited when it comes to physical activities like contact sports, we want him to find things he enjoys that better his body and make him strong. I hope we'll always be good role models when it comes to health, and I hope we give him good exposure to positive body image and good nutrition. He loves to go to the gym with us and watch everyone lifting and running, and likes to play with the equipment. We're very thankful for our Crossfit friends and the positive influence they are on our family.