Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Renal Report Card

Yesterday we had our bi-monthly nephrology appointment. First we checked in at the lab - he was so big for the stick, but still cried some huge crocodile tears... he's starting to be so much more aware of what's going on. Our favorite nurse and clinic coordinator, Ms Niki, did his work-up, and he flirted like crazy. Carter got a good report card from Ms Mary Jane. Overall, his kidney function looks great. We're stopping the kayexalate that was removing potassium from his formula, and will have labs re-drawn on Monday in Montgomery to make sure that level is still okay. She is going  to keep us on the PM 60/40 for the time being, so no whole milk for him just yet. She wants him to have the extra calories that he's getting from the formula, so we need to push him even harder to eat and gain so we can move toward milk. He'd "lost" a little bit of weight from last Tuesday (21.8 lbs with clothes) to this Monday, so he weighed in at 20.9 lbs (naked). Dr. Feig popped in to say "Hi" and he and Nurse Gillum explained to us the possibility of growth hormones for Carter depending on the extent of his kidney disease. People with chronic kidney disease tend to be on the shorter/smaller side, and children with OEIS are also tend to be small. We have a five year old little girl in our group who weighs as much as Carter does right now! If his levels are at a certain number, insurance will help pay for the treatments. Our last visitor of the day was Ms Brooke, his nutritionist, who reiterated our feeding plan and sent us on our merry way. We'll see them again in April, assuming nothing comes up between now and then.

This week Carter has finally mastered sitting himself up from laying or crawling :) He's getting so big, so fast!

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